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-   -   Writing a paragraph & Writing letters أمثله جاهزه مع شرح مبسط (https://www.m7eby-ahlulbayt.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3449)

admin 10-03-2014 01:26 PM

Writing a paragraph & Writing letters أمثله جاهزه مع شرح مبسط
  1. اعزائي سوف ندرس في هذا الموضوع كيفية كتابة Pargraph وكيفية كتابة Letter

    كيف تكتب في موضوع عام

    جملة افتتاحية(تلخص الموضوع)........................ntroductory sentence


    الخلفية التاريخية..............................Historical background

    الاسباب او الشروط........................Causes or conditions

    الأنواع(انواع التلوث,,,,,الخ)...............................Kind s, sorts or types

    المكان والزمان........................................... Place and time

    للكتابة عن المزايا والعيوب..Advantages and disadvantages

    بالنسبة للمزايا
    concerning advantages

    one advantage of....................is that.....

    Another advantage of ............................is that

    As well as that .............بالاضافة الي ذلك

    The good thing about.....................is that

    بالنسبة للعيوب
    As for disadvantages..

    One disadvantage of.....................is that

    Another disadvantage of......................is that

    As well as that

    The bad thing about.................is that

    للكتابة عن معالجة مشكلة او قضية من القضايا يجب عليك اتباع الآتي:

    تعريف المشكلة...............Definition of the problem

    This problem can be defined as

    اسباب المشكلة..............................Causes of the problem

    This problem is due to the fact that

    الحلول المقترحة.............................Remedies or suggested solutions

    To solve or put an end to this problem , we should

    One possible explanation is that

    Another logical explanation is that

    Here's another idea

    How about

    الخاتمة او النتيجة..........................conclusion OR Result

    متضمنة رأيك..................................your opinion

    For telling a story

    Once ,\ Once\ upon time , \One day,ther was

    He \ She was just +ing when .............+p.s

    All of a sudden \ suddenly

    She was \ heard them (doing)..............l

    So anyone he \ she......................l


    Describing an important festival or celebration in your country
    وصف مهرجان \ احتفال هام في بلدك

    Saying why the event is important:

    It's important to alot of people

    It's time for (families \ remembering...................)l

    Describing customs وصف العادات

    In old days , people used to \ would + inf ...........but nowadays , people tend to تميل الي

    وصف شعورك........Describing how you fell about it

    One of the best thing about it is................l

    What I object to is ما اعترض عليه

    I think it is better to.....................instead of.........l

    Presenting your views on an issue
    تقديم ارائك بصدد قضية ما \ مسألة ما

    Describing beliefs and policies
    وصف معتقداتك

    We believe that..........................l

    مؤيدين ل.....................We are (strongly) in favour of

    معارض ل..............................we are opposed to

    هدفنا...........................It's our intention \ aim to

    We should encourage people to..........l

    We will \ won't allow people to..................l

    [جمل عامة في كتابة ال Pargraph

    In fact \ As a matter of fact

    (It) plays an important part (role) in our life

    سلاح ذو حدين........................It's a double edged weapon

    نعمة ونقمة............................It's a mixed blessing

    لها مزايا وعيوب كثيرة..............................It has a lot of advantages and disadvantages

    One advantage \ disadvantage of........................is that.......................l

    انها العمود الفقري ل.................It's the backbone of

    انها عماد او شريان الحياه.......................................It's the lifeblood of

    لا نستغني عن...............................We can't do without

    في مجال...................................In the field of (Education , Medicine , Tourism)

    بكل وسيلة ممكنة..........................................By hook or by crook = by all possible means

    عاجلا ام آجلا..................................Sooner or latter

jaroo7 01-31-2018 03:21 PM

يعطيك الف الف عافييةة
موضوع مفييد جدا
الله يرزقك ما تتمناه
لا تحرمنا من عطاك

الساعة الآن 03:30 AM

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