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Phrasal Verbs with LOOK

✳️ Phrasal Verbs with LOOK 📝 Look after ✍ Definition: 1. = to take care of. 2. = to make sure that someone is safe and well.

إضافة رد
قديم 03-22-2019, 10:25 AM
مدير عام
admin غير متواجد حالياً
Bahrain     Male
لوني المفضل Orangered
 رقم العضوية : 1
 تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2013
 فترة الأقامة : 4038 يوم
 أخر زيارة : يوم أمس (06:23 PM)
 المشاركات : 11,672 [ + ]
 التقييم : 13
 معدل التقييم : admin تم تعطيل التقييم
بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
شكراً: 41
تم شكره 7 مرة في 7 مشاركة


افتراضي Phrasal Verbs with LOOK

✳️ Phrasal Verbs with LOOK

📝 LOOK after

✍ Definition:
1. = to take care of.
2. = to make sure that someone is safe and well.

✍ For example:
Make sure you LOOK after yourself. I don't want you to be ill due to this weather.
I have to LOOK after my son tonight.
📝 LOOK away

✍ Definition:
to turn your eyes away from someone or something that you were looking at.

✍ For example:
The accident was so horrible that I had to LOOK away.
She looked away in embarrassment.
📝 LOOK for

✍ Definition:
1. = to search for something or someone.
2. = to try and find something or someone

✍ For example:
Can you help me LOOK for my brother, he was meant to be here 20 minutes ago.
I am looking for my black shirt have you seen it?
📝 LOOK into

✍ Definition:
1. = to find out more about something in order to improve the situation.
2. = to investigate or examine.

✍ For example:
The manager promised to LOOK into my complaint
I will LOOK into this matter and see what I can do about it.
📝 LOOK out

✍ Definition:
1. = to be careful.
2. = to avoid imminent danger.

✍ For example:
Look out! An angry dog is coming your way.
Look out! There is a broken bottle near your foot.
📝 LOOK through

✍ Definition:
to examine something, usually quickly.

✍ For example:
I must LOOK through this report to establish the full story.
I will LOOK through my email to see if I can find your request.
📝 LOOK up
✍ Definition:
to search for information (usually in a book)

✍ For example:
I need to LOOK that word up in the dictionary, I have never heard it before.
I will LOOK up your number when I get to Santiago.
📝 LOOK up to

✍ Definition:
to respect or admire someone.

✍ For example:
I really LOOK up to my father.
She will always LOOK up to her father as he had such a positive effect on her youth.

Phrasal Verbs with LOOK look phrasal verbs

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